
I help high-achievers like you to release blocks and align with what you truly desire in your life and business.

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Episode 76 A+A Podcast: How do you receive intuitive messages?

How do you receive intuitive messages?

Knowing how you receive your own intuitive messages can really help when you're looking to access more of your own intuition.


In this episode, we look at some of the ways we can receive intuitive messages, and find examples of times you have experienced these:

  • Clairsentience - feeling or knowing something
  • Clairaudience - hearing something or sensing it in the form of words (you might feel that you thought it)
  • Clairvoyance - receiving a visual or a metaphor that can help explain something that is happening right now, or that may happen in the future
  • Dreams, repeating numbers or symbols, telepathy, in-the-moment nudges are all ways people in my community have said they receive messages. Do you have another way to share? Tell me on Instagram 

I'm teaching a new course on developing your intuition starting soon, sign up to the interest list here

Work with me:

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Episode 75 A+A Podcast: 2023 - The Year Ahead!

2023 - The Year Ahead!

Have you ever looked into numerology for your personal and universal year?

2023 is a 7 year which can mean a greater focus on intuition and spirituality. Are you feeling that for this year?


Your personal year is important too - I'm currently in a 1 year and I talk about what that means for me and what I'll be creating this year.

Here's a calculator so you can determine your own personal year:



Reiki Healing for 2023:
Interest list for my upcoming course Intuitive:
Private sessions:


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How to increase your intuition

 "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”

― Albert Einstein

We've all heard the Einstein quote about intuition; it is more important than knowledge, he tells us. But what exactly is intuition? Is everyone intuitive? And can we develop it further? I believe the answer is yes to the final two questions - we are all intuitive, and we can all develop our abilities. It's something I teach in a program called: Intuitive

As for what intuition actually is, let's dive in...

What is intuition?

I'm sure we've all had the experience of intuition - perhaps a gut feeling that someone or something is off, and that feeling is later confirmed to be right. Or a feeling of certainty about a decision that doesn't make logical sense - but turns out exactly as we imagined. When we use our intuition, we may feel we...

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Episode 74 A+A Podcast: Reiki Healing 2023 (Sneak peeks!)

Reiki Healing 2023 (Sneak peeks!)

For many years, Kerry has sent out an annual Reiki healing to everyone on her mailing list to provide energetic support for the year ahead. Today, Kerry shares a few sneak peeks from our 2023 healing.

Sign up here to receive your Reiki healing for 2023 on Jan 1st:

You don't need to sign up if you're already on my mailing list.

You can add your intention for 2023 to this Instagram thread to boost the energy for all of us!


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Episode 73 A+A Podcast: Sell with Success with Natalie Tolhopf

Sell with Success with Natalie Tolhopf

Today I'm talking with Sales Coach Nat Tolhopf about her aligned business. Nat talks us through previous business "failures" and how they led her to create her current successful, sustainable business which teaches women how to sell with success. For Nat, success is all about mindset, imperfect action and consistency.

You'll love hearing about how Nat realigned herself after falling out of alignment with her business, her insights on attracting ideal clients + her thoughts on aligned pricing. Let us know your take aways!

Connect with Nat on Instagram:

Check out her website:

Previous Your Aligned Business Interviews:

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Episode 72 A+A Podcast: She's in Business with Donna Hann

She's in Business with Donna Hann

This week I'm speaking with Donna Hann of She's in Business about how she has created her version of a beautifully aligned business - this requires so much intention and of course, a great deal of aligned action.

I met Donna in Uluru when I spoke at Tina Tower's conference and she has a wonderful infectious positive energy and so much experience in business, after having sold two previous businesses.

Donna now helps entrepreneurial Mums learn essential business strategies, reclaim their purpose and create a healthy work-life blend but Mum or not - I bet you'll get a lot from this episode.

I can't wait to hear your insights!

Connect with Donna on Instagram

Donna's website: She's in Business

Share your experience with this podcast episode with Kerry on Instagram.

This episode was part of my Your Aligned Business series where I interview fabulous business owners about the choices and decisions they've made to create THEIR version of an...

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Episode 71 A+A Podcast: When you need to Hit Reset

When you need to Hit Reset

Sometimes we go through a period of challenge. Perhaps it's health related, or our kids have been sick, a few things have gone wrong in business, we haven't been feeling like ourselves, or it's something else. Negative thoughts may pop up about ourselves or the situation which can make it feel even worse - has that ever happened for you? In this episode we discuss how we might "hit the reset button" when we sense or decide we're ready to be at the end of a certain period, and how we might go ahead and do that.

Here's the process we go through:

1 - Acknowledge what you've been feeling and experiencing

2 - Notice any stories you're adding into the mix

3 - Pattern interrupt - we go through a few options

4 - Ask yourself - what is the best use of my time and energy now?

Hope you love the episode!

Other relevant episodes:

Choosing your Perspective:
Reiki Healing for Low Energy:
What to...

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Episode 70 A+A Podcast: Choosing your perspective

Choosing your perspective

Sometimes we take on a limited perspective on ourselves or a situation and forget - there are actually lots of perspectives here, and perhaps I'm not choosing one that is helpful. Occasionally it can be helpful to shake up those perspectives - and consider, what else is true, how might others, or a past version of me view this situation? And then claim a more empowering perspective. Let me walk you through it.

1 - Notice where you're holding a limiting or limited view of yourself
2 - Consider different possibilities, interpretations, perspectives, how the situation may be viewed by others
3 - Own your decisions
4 - Choose an empowering perspective



Work with me personally in a Kinesiology session (or Reiki).

Share your experience with this podcast episode with Kerry on Instagram. I would love to hear.

Subscribe to the podcast here:

Want to receive the free group Reiki healing I did to...

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Episode 69 A+A Podcast: Connecting to Positive Emotions

Connecting to Positive Emotions

In this week's podcast ep Kerry guides you to connect with positive memories, feelings you have for loved ones, future events you're anticipating, achievements and the present moment. Enjoy!

Sign up for your 2022 Reiki and to receive a Reiki healing for 2023 on January 1st:

Explore working with Kerry:

Previous episodes mentioned:

68 - Reiki healing for low energy
66 - Prioritising your joy
64 - What does success look like for you



Work with me personally in a Kinesiology session (or Reiki).

Share your experience with this podcast episode with Kerry on Instagram. I would love to hear.

Subscribe to the podcast here:

Want to receive the free group Reiki healing I did to support you...

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Episode 68 A+A Podcast: A Reiki Healing for low energy

A Reiki Healing for low energy

A Reiki Healing for low energy. Tune into this episode anytime you're looking to increase your energy and be sure to share it with someone you know who could use an energy boost right now.

Would you like a personalised Reiki healing for the next 12 months? You can book a distance Reiki healing + report right here



Align + Attract:

Work with me personally in a Kinesiology session (or Reiki).

Share your experience with this podcast episode with Kerry on Instagram. I would love to hear.

Subscribe to the podcast here:

Want to receive the free group Reiki healing I did to support you throughout 2022? You can sign up to receive it here.


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