I help high-achievers like you to release blocks and align with what you truly desire in your life and business.

Start now with my podcast

I help high-achievers like you to release blocks and align with what you truly desire in your life and business.

Start now with my podcast

The first time I experienced Kinesiology I just knew I’d found something special. I was amazed at everything the Kinesiologist could pick up about me from just a few muscle tests. And I felt so much better after each and every session!

After a few months, we tackled the depression I’d periodically battled for fourteen years. It cleared after just two sessions. I was astonished! I realised that Kinesiology was not only fascinating, it could be life transforming.

That’s when I was called to study Kinesiology myself.

Let me introduce myself and my passion for Kinesiology in this short video


Itā€™s no exaggeration to say that Kinesiology changed my life.

I started my business, Awaken Kinesiology back in 2009, and my client baseĀ quickly grew. I was so excited to support others to create the kinds of changes that I had experienced, and attracted more and more clients through word of mouth, my website and writing articles that my ideal clients connected with on myĀ blog.

I continued to align to my own goals and clear blocks that arose for me in creating and growing my business.

By 2011 I was already fully booked with lovely ideal clients. When I was asked my secret to growing my business in such a consistent, sustainable and relatively rapid way, I knew the answer right away: ALIGNMENT.

I created my first body of work - first my alignment process, and over time, my Align + Attract course, book and podcast.

I had my two gorgeous children, intentionally scaling down my business to focus on family for some years. I continued to work with my incredible clients behind-the-scenes, focused on their business growth whilst paused on my own. Then when the time was right, I stepped back into joyful growth.

In 2024, I created my next body of work: The Business Paradigm Shift.

This work has been refined through thousands of hours of client sessions with my market-leading 6 and 7 figure entrepreneurial clients.Ā 

I teach this work through an incredible six month Mastermind experience to help you evolve your own body of work and grow your business to the next level.



Working with Kerry has allowed me to take giant leaps in my business.

Kerry’s Align + Attract course is one of a kind. I’ve never experienced shifts like that through an online course. That’s because it’s so much more than a just a course; with Kerry’s guidance, you tap into the innate wisdom of your business, and your energy.

It stops being about what’s ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, and becomes about alignment. You become your own business adviser, in a way that allows the overwhelm, stress and confusion to simply drop away.

What it leaves is clarity, connection and a deep sense of alignment, support and self-belief. If you’re feeling stuck in your business, it’s time to align… and attract. Let Kerry guide you there; she knows the way.

Working with Kerry 1:1 and in Align + Attract has allowed me to take giant leaps in my business.


I received way more than I thought signed up for and I couldn't recommend this course highly enough.

Align + Attract is THE course to do if you’re wanting to learn how to clear your own blocks to your success and operate your business with integrity, from the soul.

I received way more than I thought signed up for and I couldn’t recommend this course highly enough.

It’s not just a short course – we get phenomenal support and guidance from Kerry ongoing in the facebook group and the alignment process is an ongoing tool that we can work with to stay in alignment, as we continue to grow and expand.

The process itself is just divine, the web portal and course documents are so clear, succinct and easy to follow. I’m more deeply connected to who I am and my purpose than ever, and my business is growing rapidly as a result.

This work is sacred and powerful.

If you’re feeling a calling towards this course? That’s your soul speaking to you. Do it!


The course outlay has quickly paid itself off with the increased profit.

The Align + Attract course with Kerry, for me revealed pathways of healing, growth and opportunity within both my personal life and business.

Embracing the alignment process brought tangible outcomes of increasing my vitality and clarity, implementing business ideas and attracting more clients. The course outlay has quickly paid itself off with the increased profit.

Being a Kinesiologist myself I was wondering just how much benefit I would receive from participating in the program having had years of balances… The answer is astronomical benefit.

I loved every aspect of Kerry’s Align + Attract program, and it’s something I have integrated into my life and business for continual alignment and benefit. Thank you Kerry!


I can support you, too.

Whether you’re just starting out in business and feeling a bit doubtful or unsure, or you’ve been in business for years and want to make some changes and grow – I can support you.

Align + Attract is a beautifully designed learning experience which progressively guides you to get clear on what you really want, connect to your own version of a successful business, release your own blocks and align to your business goals.

When you join Align + Attract, you connect with a community of over 150 other women who are aligning to their own goals. Wins are celebrated, insights shared, challenges overcome. You also receive feedback on your alignments directly from me.

If you like the idea of feeling connect to you own wisdom and intuition and creating and growing a business you actually love, join us: alignandattract.com.

I’m also released a bestselling: Align + Attract – Align your energy to create a business you actually love in 2018. Find your copy here or at any online bookstore.

One of my favourite ways to support my beautiful community is through my free monthly Reiki healings. Sign up for those here.


Work With Me

My Qualifications

Diploma of Health Sciences (Holistic Kinesiology)Ā Ā 
Diploma of Positive Psychology
Bachelor of Education (Primary)
Certificate IV Training and Assessment
Reiki Master
Liquid Crystal Practitioner