
I help high-achievers like you to release blocks and align with what you truly desire in your life and business.

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Episode 124 A+A Podcast: The Online Business Paradigm Shift Series - Part 2

The Online Business Paradigm Shift Series - Part 2

Welcome to Part 2 of The Online Business Paradigm Shift Series. These three episodes are going to give you so much insight about how you might thrive in this changing environment we find ourselves in. Find Part 1 here.


I’ve had workbooks created for this Series. They include speaker quotes, key points and reflection questions for your own musings. Sign up for your workbooks here

If you’ve noticed big shifts in the online business world lately, you’re not alone. 

Lacklustre launches, falling prices, messaging pivots and big exits. So what’s really going on? Behind the scenes, many entrepreneurs, coaches and transformational leaders have been discussing how to adapt, evolve and thrive in this ever-changing environment. 

In an era where the creation of ideas and access to information is at an all-time high, I see that we are uniquely positioned to lead the charge towards innovation...

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Episode 123 A+A Podcast: The Online Business Paradigm Shift Series - Part 1

The Online Business Paradigm Shift Series - Part 1

Welcome to Part 1 of The Online Business Paradigm Shift Series. These three episodes are going to give you so much insight about how you might thrive in this changing environment we find ourselves in. 


I’ve had workbooks created for this Series. They include speaker quotes, key points and reflection questions for your own musings. Sign up for your workbooks here

If you’ve noticed big shifts in the online business world lately, you’re not alone. 

Lacklustre launches, falling prices, messaging pivots and big exits. So what’s really going on? Behind the scenes, many entrepreneurs, coaches and transformational leaders have been discussing how to adapt, evolve and thrive in this ever-changing environment. 

In an era where the creation of ideas and access to information is at an all-time high, I see that we are uniquely positioned to lead the charge towards innovation and...

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Episode 122 A+A Podcast: What are some of my successful clients doing to evolve and lead in this market?

What are some of my successful clients doing to evolve and lead in this market?

There has been some doom and gloom in the online space for a while - but not from many of my own clients. I started to pay closer attention to what I could see that they were doing that is really working, and today I'm sharing this with you. Clarity, specificity, support, results, personal relationships and evolving bodies of work. I can't wait to hear what this sparks for you.


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Pop the word model in my Insta dms if you want me to take you through my signature model which you can use as inspiration to create your own.

Work privately with Kerry:

Did you hear?!

From next week I am bringing some EPIC Round Table conversations to the podcast about this Paradigm Shift we are seeing in the online space right now.

One call with: @annie.gichuru@denisedt@anitasiek, Kate...

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Episode 121 A+A Podcast: Are you ready for - or in the middle of - a paradigm shift in your own work?

Are you ready for - or in the middle of - a paradigm shift in your own work?

We know there is a paradigm shift taking place in the online business space.

I bet you have facilitated many paradigm shifts for your clients, and experienced a few of your own. It might even be how you landed in the work you are now doing - you went through a major transformation. And now, is it time for a paradigm shift in your business, in the actual work that you do?

If you've been experiencing an income plateau or dip, notice that certain things aren't landing like they did, feel a bit unsteady or uncertain in your work, like something more is needed or you are feeling the call to uplevel or expand - maybe you are in or are ready for a paradigm shift in your work. Let's dive in.


I can't wait to hear your thoughts on this episode. Share with me at

Find Kerry at:

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Episode 120 A+A Podcast: Are we in a Paradigm Shift in the online business space?

Are we in a Paradigm Shift in the online space?

It's no secret that there are many changes taking place in the online space and a number of people are experiencing an income plateau or dip as a result - not all of course!

So - are we in a paradigm shift?

We are seeing big changes in:

  • Social media
  • Launching
  • AI

How are these going to shape the way we work, create and sell moving forward?
And for your own work - do you need to evolve how you describe what you do and how you help your clients achieve their goals and solve problems in new ways to meet your clients and the market where it is right now?
If we ARE in a paradigm shift - are you going to:

  • Hold onto the past
  • Focus on details, quick wins or trends and create temporary changes
  • Do the deeper work to feel into what is needed now, the next evolution of your own work and how you might lead and thrive in the energies of today

Love to chat about this one with you, message me on Instagram to share what you're seeing: ...

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Episode 119 A+A Podcast: The Best Way to Change a Belief

The Best Way to Change a Belief

I've been listening to The Diary of a CEO by Steven Bartlett and I'm really enjoying it. Steven shared how to change a belief. It was great. Except for this ONE VERY OBVIOUS-TO-ME PROBLEM. I share the problem I saw, and how you can solve that so that you can feel safer in changing a belief, especially when it's a belief you hold about yourself.


Love to hear your thoughts on Instagram:

Check out my Good Enough workshop:

Work with Kerry:

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Episode 118 A+A Podcast: Reclaiming your Power in Business

Reclaiming your Power in Business

Let's look at what can happen when we slip out of being in our power in our business - and create a real shift for you. Today we connect to two of your ancestors (relatives) to support you to do this so it's an extra woo episode. Hope you love it!

Good Enough workshop:

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Episode 117 A+A Podcast: The number one belief you need to grow your business

The number one belief you need to grow your business

What do YOU think is the number one belief you need to grow your business?

There are many beliefs that help but today I'm sharing the number one belief I see to come up as a block and why I see it to be so important to your success in growing your business.


I'm also sharing a brand new low-cost workshop to help you shift this belief and I'd LOVE you to join me. It will make SUCH a difference:

Love to hear your thoughts on Instagram:

Work with me 1:1:

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Episode 116 A+A Podcast: Business Plateaus - Have you ever experienced one?

Business Plateaus - Have you ever experienced one?

Have you ever experienced a plateau in business?

This can come up when you’ve had a certain level of success and have reached a predictable level in your business - but you have capped out at a certain level.

You have often explored solutions - mindset, strategy, learning, healing - but it's not really helping

The plateau can look like an upper limit - Gay Hendricks of the Big Leap (but my clients will often already know that - and knowing it is not helping to shift it at this point!)
3 things I will often see are a loss of:

  • Energy
  • Passion
  • Purpose

You need to reconnect to yourself and your magic - but how?

I find this is a time to go deeper. YES you can move through it - and can come out the other side feeling more powerful than ever.

I work with my clients when they are in a plateau and know they need to go deeper and you can explore working with me 1:1 here:

Watch my...

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Episode 115 A+A Podcast: Should you run a live event?

Should you run a live event?

Have you considered running live events? Perhaps it's time to run one now. I'm certainly seeing a lot of people are craving in person experiences and for those of us who predominantly work online (like me!) creating an event can be a really fresh and beautiful way to connect with existing and new clients.

Let's explore this question together today. We'll work through these considerations:
1 - Do you want to run an event? If you're feeling a "yes" - keep going!
2 - Get clear on the purpose - for example, attract more clients, value add for clients, community, provide an experience, teach specific type of work, decide if you like running events, find a purpose for you running the event.
3 - Feel into the size and price point of the event - what do you want the experience to be like for participants? Think through logistics. Needs of your clients. What they want and need. What you want and need. How profitable does it need to be? Be wary of undercharging.
4 -...

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