
I help high-achievers like you to release blocks and align with what you truly desire in your life and business.

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Episode 115 A+A Podcast: Should you run a live event?

Should you run a live event?

Have you considered running live events? Perhaps it's time to run one now. I'm certainly seeing a lot of people are craving in person experiences and for those of us who predominantly work online (like me!) creating an event can be a really fresh and beautiful way to connect with existing and new clients.

Let's explore this question together today. We'll work through these considerations:
1 - Do you want to run an event? If you're feeling a "yes" - keep going!
2 - Get clear on the purpose - for example, attract more clients, value add for clients, community, provide an experience, teach specific type of work, decide if you like running events, find a purpose for you running the event.
3 - Feel into the size and price point of the event - what do you want the experience to be like for participants? Think through logistics. Needs of your clients. What they want and need. What you want and need. How profitable does it need to be? Be wary of undercharging.
4 -...

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Episode 114 A+A Podcast: Dreaming...Bigger


What comes up when you think about dreaming bigger? Does it feel light, expansive, fun, or does it bring up fear, doubt or questions?

I ran a live event in Melbourne last week and spent the day with incredible business owners on this theme of dreaming bigger.

Join me for some reflections on what it means to dream bigger and use these to reflect on what dreaming bigger might look like for YOU.

1 - Going bigger doesn’t need to mean achieving, doing or having MORE, it can be deeper, richer, simpler
2 - Going too big in terms of outcomes CAN be overwhelming and demotivating UNLESS you break it down into smaller parts
3 - Achieving big goals is NOT what makes us happy. You won’t necessarily be happier if you achieve your big dream. You’ll probably be just about as happy as you are now. Hedonic adaptation and impact bias. BUT working towards goals DOES make you happy.
4 - You can focus on what DOES make you happier now. Sleep, movement, time affluence,...

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Episode 113 A+A Podcast: Changing your relationship with time

Changing your relationship with time

Today we're delving in to time, specifically changing your relationship with time. Ever said, "I'd love to x but I don't have enough time?" or felt a bit out of control of your time?

This episode will help.I help you clarify:
1 - What specifically you want more time for?
2 - What kind of time you need and how might you create it?
3 - What is this lack of time feeling REALLY about? The answer that presents for you might surprise you!


Love to hear your insights over at Instagram:
Find Kerry here:


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Episode 112 A+A Podcast: Releasing overwhelm - Zoom out to your bigger picture

Releasing overwhelm - Zoom out to your bigger picture

If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed and in the weeds in your business or life and caught up in details, you’ll love this episode where I help you to reorient your focus back on to your bigger picture. From this place, you can make choices and decisions that are more reflective of your true priorities and desires, and come back to taking action with a fresh perspective.

I guide you to explore questions like:

  • What is my bigger picture?
  • What am I really trying to achieve?
  • How can I make this easier for myself?
  • Where is the best place for me to focus right now?
  • What attitude or perspective would make this feel easy?

I’d love to hear your experience, share with me on Instagram

Learn more about working with me

Check out my low cost magical meditations.  


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Episode 111 A+A Podcast: Holding Yourself in Expansion

Holding Yourself in Expansion

Have you ever gained clarity on your vision, got excited about expansion and growth, perhaps committed to a bigger investment and then... something shifts (and not in a good way). It can feel totally unexpected.

  • Your energy collapses and all of a sudden you feel MORE uncertain and unclear than you did before
  • External energy collapses - bookings or money slow down or stop, clients cancel/reschedule, things feel messier or more chaotic
  • Other people react - melt downs, team quit or make big mistakes or you might have unexpected arguments with your partner



I have seen all these things happen for clients, sometimes all at once! In this episode we discuss why it happens and what to do about it.

Love to hear alll your thoughts over on Instagram, come share with me.

Previous podcast eps to check out:

  • Solving Upper Limit Problems (the Big Leap): ...
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Episode 110 A+A Podcast: How can you receive high quality guidance?

How can you receive high quality guidance?

Many of my clients are highly intuitive and I'm sure you are to. But what do we do if this guidance starts to feel muddy, unclear and confusing? The first step is to clear your energy, and I help you to do that in this podcast episode. Next,

1 - Clear your energy - SO necessary and I help you do that in this episode.
2 - Intend to attune to the highest source of guidance you can access. Sometimes we are tuned in to guidance that is not of the highest level and this can happen with "guides" and it may be time to intentionally go higher/deeper - I support you with that in this episode too.
3 - If things feel muddy or unclear, seek help so you can re-connect to your own wisdom.


Want to work with me on this? Book in right here:
Share your thoughts with me on Instagram:
Receive a free group Reiki healing to support you this year by signing up here: ...

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Episode 109 A+A Podcast: Creating your vision

Creating your vision

What are you wanting to create this year? And what bigger vision do you feel that you're working towards?

These questions can be hard to answer! I talk about three reasons why I see this to be the case, and three things I see to help.
 Hope you love this conversation and I can't wait to hear about the insights you gain on your own vision - listen to the end where I guide you to tune in.


Share your insights with me on Instagram: 
Work with me privately: 
Free group Reiki for 2024 (magic!): 
You might love my low-cost Magical Meditation Bundle:


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Episode 108 A+A Podcast: Reiki Healing for Clarity

Reiki Healing for Clarity

A beautiful Reiki Healing for Clarity for you to enjoy. Use it to support you as we complete 2023 - and at anytime you'd love a burst of clarity.


I'll be sending out a beautiful Reiki Healing for 2024 to everyone on my mailing list on January 1st. It holds the intention to support your energy throughout 2024. I can't wait to hear what you think of this year's healing! If you're not already on my mailing list, you can join me here:


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Episode 107 A+A Podcast: Celebration + Connection with Rebecca Saunders

Celebration + Connection with Rebecca Saunders

You'll love Rebecca's story about how she started a company in Australia to be eligible for a visa while still VERY young, and how that company ended up experiencing rapid expansion when Covid hit. The subsequent burn out she experienced led to Rebecca birthing an entirely new business - the Champagne Lounge, - an online community (that’s not like the others!) for ambitious business owners like YOU who want to find their people, grow their network and celebrate life’s wins BIG and small. All for $1 a day.


Check out the Champagne Lounge here:

Learn how to ask for help with Rebecca's free resource: with Rebecca on Instagram at: and

Share your takeaways with me at:

New free Reiki healing for 2024 arriving...

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Episode 106 A+A Podcast: Doing Business Brilliantly with Leonie Dawson

Doing Business Brilliantly with Leonie Dawson

Quick heads up - Leonie Dawson's Brilliant Biz + Life Academy is currently US$99 and will double in price on 30th November.

Check it out and join here

  • Today I ask Leonie Dawson for their best advice on what to do if you:
  • Want to create a side hustle
  • Need to attract more clients
  • Feel maxed out but want to grow your business
  • Have a successful, bigger business but still want to grow

Leonie Dawson barely needs an introduction around here but in case you're new to Leonie's world, Leonie has brought in over $13 million in revenue while only working 10 hours a week. Leonie is a best-selling author and self-made multi-millionaire, and has been blogging since 2004. Leonie is a passionate philanthropist and has created a crazy abundant creative business while still being a present mama to two kids.

Find Leonie here:

And on Instagram here

Share your insights with me on Instagram.

Check out my low...

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