Take some time to reflect on what makes you unique. Articulating your unique ability is an activity in the Big Leap by Gay Hendricks and Kerry shares some client examples, how she sees her own unique ability and guides you to create clarity on your unique ability. Then you can consciously create the conditions for you to utilise your unique ability more often if you wish. This is so powerful!
Previous episode Kerry mentions
Ep 5 - Solving Upper Limit Problems - www.alignandattract.com/blog/50
Download your copy of the Business Alignment Checklist here: www.alignandattract.com/checklist
Share your experience with this podcast episode with Kerry on Instagram. I would love to hear.
Subscribe to the podcast here: alignandattract.buzzsprout.com
Want to receive the free group Reiki healing I did to support you throughout 2022? You can sign up to receive it here.
This can be so valuable. Take a little time for this reflection now - and be sure to celebrate yourself!
You're the first to know - I'll be running a free Remember Your Why workshop and YOU are invited. Sign up right here: www.alignandattract.com/why
You might also love:
Ep 52: Your Growth Mindset: www.alignandattract.com/blog/52
Ep 45: Catching up to the Reality of where you are: www.alignandattract.com/blog/45
Ep 18: Aligning to the Season of Life You're In: www.alignandattract.com/blog/18
Share your experience with this podcast episode with Kerry on Instagram. I would love to hear.
Subscribe to the podcast here: alignandattract.buzzsprout.com
Want to receive the free group Reiki healing I did to support you throughout 2022? You can sign up to receive it here.
Are you ready for some CEO Time? Let's take a look at five areas of your Business Alignment: Your Big Picture, Ideal Clients, Pricing, Income Goals and Ideal Numbers and create some clarity. I help you reflect on 3 aspects of each so you can identify what is feeling aligned, and what you'd like to put a little energy into so it can feel more aligned.
You'll want a copy of my Business Alignment Checklist as we start our reflections: www.alignandattract.com/checklist
Other episodes Kerry mentions:
* 51 - Let's Talk Comparison - https://alignandattract.com/blog/51
* 11 - Is your Pricing Aligned? How can you tell? - https://alignandattract.com/blog/11
And you may also love this episode:
* 6 - How do you Align with your Ideal Clients - https://alignandattract.com/blog/6
Share your experience with this podcast episode with Kerry on Instagram. I would love to hear.
Subscribe to the podcast here: alignandattract.buzzsprout.com
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Having a growth mindset supports you to be more successful - but what exactly is it? Sometimes, we've heard of growth mindset, assume we have it (or that maybe we don't!) and move on.
However having a growth mindset is a dynamic process of managing your mindset which you can lean in to any time you experience challenge, obstacles, effort, or noticing the success of others.
We go deeper into Carol Dweck's mindset theory and help expand YOUR growth mindset.
Other episodes I mention:
Share your experience with this podcast episode with Kerry on Instagram. I would love to hear.
Subscribe to the podcast here: alignandattract.buzzsprout.com
Want to receive the free group Reiki healing I did to support you throughout 2022? You can sign up to receive...
Unless you have incredible discipline and never look at what anyone else is doing, everything always goes right for you, you’ve never doubted yourself, you’ve never set foot inside a Facebook group, you live under a rock – you've probably experienced comparison. It’s incredibly normal to notice what others are doing.
Depending on our mind space, we might notice what someone else is doing, even celebrate their success, and then move on. If we're in a negative head space, or something isn't going well for us, comparison can cause us big problems. We might compare ourselves unfavourably, or even judge ourselves. It can spiral.
Brene Brown's work is always amazing and her latest book: Atlas of the Heart is no different. In this episode we look at her definitions of the different kinds of comparison, and how we might use our growth mindset when comparison pops up so we can stay focused on our own great work.
For a refresher on...
You've probably heard of, or even read the Big Leap by Gay Hendricks. But have you read it lately? Let me take you through a refresher. We'll talk about what triggers upper limit problems and the 4 hidden barriers Hendricks identified. Which 1-3 do you notice for you? We'll also spend time amplifying our ability to receive and enjoy more success, happiness and joy.
Work with me personallyin a Kinesiology session (or Reiki).
Share your experience with this podcast episode with Kerry on Instagram. I would love to hear.
Subscribe to the podcast here: alignandattract.buzzsprout.com
Want to receive the free group Reiki healing I did to support you throughout 2022? You can sign up to receive it here.
When you feel super busy, it can be tricky to prioritise where to put your time and energy. This quick Reiki healing will help you get calm and clear so you can feel where to focus next.
Ever felt not good enough? We've all been there. Try this!
We talk through some of the things that can trigger us to fall into a space of not feeling good enough and then align our energy with knowing that we are good enough right now, exactly as we are. If you'd love to feel that you're doing enough, achieving enough, having enough impact - this episode will help you believe it.
Work with me personallyin a Kinesiology session or go deeper in a 6 month CEO Alignment package.
Share your experience with this podcast episode with me on Instagram. I would love to hear.
Subscribe to the podcast here: alignandattract.buzzsprout.com
Want to receive the free group Reiki healing I did to support you throughout 2022? You can sign up to receive it here....
When you feel super busy, it can be tricky to prioritise where to put your time and energy. This quick Reiki healing will help you get calm and clear so you can feel where to focus next.
Previous Reiki episodes I mention:
Episode 31 - Quick Energy Uplift (Reiki): http://alignandattract.com/blog/31
Episode 41 - Reiki Re-Centre: http://alignandattract.com/blog/41
Work with me personally in a Kinesiology session.
Share your experience with this podcast episode with Kerry on Instagram.
Subscribe to the podcast here: alignandattract.buzzsprout.com
Want to receive the free group Reiki healing I did to support you throughout 2022? You can sign up to receive it here.
It can be easy to forget that the way we talk about what has happened in the past, who we are and where we are in the present and what's possible for us in the future are stories. Stories that we have the power to shape! Take some time to reflect on the stories you're telling yourself - and choose more helpful or empowering stories if you wish.
Kerry mentions:
Episode 45: Catching up the Reality of where you are www.alignandattract.com/blog/45
Episode 19: 3 Signs you have a Fixed Mindset, and what to do about it (about Growth Mindset): www.alignandattract.com/blog/19
The quote: Ship it - This is from Seth Godin, of course!
(link to Seth Godin: https://seths.blog/2020/08/shipping-creative-work/)
"If it doesn’t ship, it doesn’t count. If it’s not creatively productive, it’s not helpful. And if we’re lucky, this is the heart of our work. The work of creation in our chosen medium, putting...
Have you ever had the experience of having to achieve or do something that felt difficult, even impossible, but because you felt it was essential to do it (for example, not doing it would cause you or others pain), you found a way? In this week's episode we're talking about using the power of deciding, and raising necessity in order to achieve our goals and create what we want in our lives.
Raising necessity is a concept from Brendan Burchard's book, High Performance Habits.
Let's dive in...
Work with me personally in a Kinesiology session.
Share your experience with this podcast episode with Kerry on Instagram.
Subscribe to the podcast here: alignandattract.buzzsprout.com
Want to receive the free group Reiki healing I did to support you throughout 2022? You can sign up to receive it here.
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