I help high-achievers like you to release blocks and align with what you truly desire in your life and business.

I help high-achievers like you to release blocks and align with what you truly desire in your life and business.

Work with me

One-Off Intensive or Ongoing 1:1 Sessions with Kerry

I see you:

You’re a successful entrepreneur or high achiever and it's vital you live your life in alignment with your priorities and values. You are brilliant at what you do, and yet: you can get in your own way.

This might look like:

  • Not breaking through to that next level even though you know exactly what to do
  • Cycling through old patterns, thoughts, sabotages and behaviours you thought you were done with
  • Feeling messy, emotional, overwhelmed or mentally chaotic behind the scenes even though you are a leader, support others and have done tons of mindset and energy work

I see you in all of this and:

I believe you require deeper support than what you're allowing yourself to receive right now.

Not just coaching, not just mindset and not just healing. Not more strategy. Not even more hiring - not right now.

What you require is a blend of clarity, energetics, alignment, healing, psychology and mindset support focused on helping you create the outcomes you desire. And to do this with a highly experienced Intuitive Business Mentor + Healer who has worked with hundreds of very successful women like you. 

The majority of my clients are multi-six and seven figure business owners who often find me through a peer or some kind of synchronicity, and soon call me the secret weapon they didn't know they needed.

Start with a One-Off Intensive Breakthrough to Alignment session, or join my exceptional clients and work with me Ongoing in a 1:1 Package. 

Ongoing 1:1 Package

CEO Alignment Sessions


When you are your brand, your energy matters.

It’s essential that you stay clear and aligned. I support you emotionally, energetically and mentally so you can show up for yourself and your business as the best version of you.

When we work together ongoing, you receive:

  •  2 x 60 min sessions each month
  • Weekday support between sessions in Slack for questions, energy shifts, intuitive guidance and mindset support
  • Investment $1500 per month, includes GST for Australians, 3 month min

Two calls a month is optimum for you to feel highly supported. 

You will see and feel decisive shifts and changes in yourself and in your business. You'll create new levels of momentum as you release the friction slowing you down.

I know you're results oriented - and I'm efficient and highly skilled at supporting you to create what you desire. Every session is a bespoke blend of energetics, alignment, healing and psychology in support of the outcomes you want to create.

You receive intuitive insights, new awareness about what's actually going on, release baggage and clear your energy. As you clear the barriers holding you back, you'll step up to your next level with greater ease.

Weekday support between calls in Slack.

You'll have access to me each week day in Slack. Bring your questions, challenges, mindset issues or blocks and I'll help you create a shift, gain clarity and move forward. As a guide, I allow about an hour a month for our communication in Slack - but I don't set a timer. 

This package is a retainer. 

Your package includes 2 x 60 min sessions per month and weekday Slack support.

You will be billed each month at $1500 (GST inclusive for Australians). When you sign up you'll receive an email with links to book your sessions. I'll separately invite you into Slack.

Minimum sign up length is 3 months and you can pause or complete anytime after that with 14 days+ notice. I send you an email each month reminding you to book your two sessions for the upcoming month if you haven't already done so. After your third payment, I include a reminder in each email to let me know if you wish to pause or complete. 

When you sign up to this package, you have me in your corner.

When we work together ongoing like this: when a challenge pops up, you get derailed or an old pattern returns - you just add to your "Kerry list." You know we'll sort it out in Slack or in your next session, and you get to move on with your day.

I know that in your regular life - you're the leader. People come to YOU with their stuff. You have all the answers. You manage it all, do it all, hold it all. You're amazing, no question. But in this work with me - you don't have to have it all together. You get to receive. And you deserve it.

I’ve been working with Kinesiology clients since 2009 and was booked out with up to 70 clients a month by the end of 2010. After thousands of sessions, I’m highly skilled at finding the source of the problem, identifying attitudes, beliefs and emotions holding you back, highlighting patterns you’ve never noticed (yes even if you've done a lot of healing and personal development work), showing you how the past may still impact on you today – and helping you to release it ALL. I've been working with some of my clients for over ten years.

I can't wait to work with you.

One-Off Intensive

Breakthrough to Alignment

You + me and your big Alignment Breakthrough. 

In this powerful 90 minute session we address major sources of stress in your business and life, and create energetic alignment with your goals. Part of my skill is helping you to identify your deeper intentions and to support you to release hidden and as-yet unidentified blocks to living in alignment with your own truth. 

How this session works:

  • After sign up, you complete my intake form to guide our focus so I can plan your session to get the results you desire
  • I spend time with your form, create goals for our session + tune in to your energy to receive intuitive insights which I will share with you
  • We spend 90 mins together in a powerful Kinesiology + alignment session. I provide notes on what we covered
  • Investment $660 (including GST for Australians)

The issues you'll bring to our session will tend to feel big and heavy - they're really holding you back and it will make a HUGE difference to your life to shift them. 

You might have identified a big pattern that’s holding you back or a bunch of money blocks you’re just not shifting on your own. Perhaps you are totally stuck and really don't know what the problem is. There could be an issue you’ve been working on for years and it’s time to finally let it go.

Can you change your life in just 90 minutes? You sure can. Let's do this.

Kerry has been absolutely instrumental in the success of my business.

I’ve worked with her whenever I’ve needed to uplevel my income and expand my vision of what’s possible.
I recommend her to any big-dreaming entrepreneur dedicated to continual self-growth. Thank you Kerry!


The process of Kerry's Align my Business series catalysed beautiful & stratospheric growth for me.

The work we have done together has helped me reprioritise my time, energy, money and Life. I feel more on purpose than ever, while also feeling the most relaxed. I feel ALIVE and EXCITED in a way I used to feel when I was backpacking in India, but never before as a sustainable way of living my grounded and meaningful life. Kerry helped me move through the birthing canal into the world, so sure of my direction, purpose and integrity. I'm so grateful for the work we did together, the fruits of which continue to grow."

Gemma Davies

Kerry is one of my (very few) trusted healers.

Well, few insinuates three or more, when in reality, there are two. Needless to say, she’s indispensable.

A potent and powerful coach and catalyst. Kerry is the real deal and I highly recommend the experience of working with her.


I cannot recommend Kerry more highly for anyone looking to gain better alignment in their personal or business lives – or both!

I have been seeing Kerry in a one-on-one capacity since 2009, for both personal and business support and development.

I have found Kerry’s abilities in Kinesiology and more recently in Reiki to be absolutely exceptional.

In the last 3 years especially, Kerry has helped me with setting business strategies, developing my leadership capabilities and ensuring the business and team has clarity and is in alignment on its goals.

Kerry’s style is warm, giving, never judgmental and always professional.

I cannot recommend Kerry more highly for anyone looking to gain better alignment in their personal or business lives – or both!


Kerry has been far and away the most pivotal person I have ever worked with.

I’ve had mentors and coaches for over 20 years now consistently, since I was 17 years old, often multiple at once for various aspects of business and life, and Kerry has been far and away the most pivotal person I have ever worked with.

I began doing sessions with Kerry in 2012, and continue to do so to this day, as regularly as possible!

Throughout this time working together, just a few of the things which have been dramatically impacted include scaling my online business to multiple 7-figures per year (and SERIOUSLY shifting my money mindset / abundance vibe as part of that of course!), releasing myself of binge eating / sugar addiction, moving out of a narcissistic relationship, understanding and also miraculously (doctor’s words) healing a very very serious and rare pregnancy condition, owning my power and truth in my messaging and soul work, owning my power and truth with men and learning how to start calling in true love, shifting all manner of self-worth and limiting belief stuff, and also, and perhaps most powerful of all – learning how to deeply connect to my own soul and intuition, and to have that be my natural state.

I am quite literally a completely different human from the unsure and scared and pretty hard on herself woman I was 5 years ago!

I love Kinesiology so much, and have worked with quite a few different practitioners over the years before I met Kerry, but nobody either in or out of this practice has been as impactful in my life.

If you get a chance to work with this woman, or join her courses, or read her book – take it, fast!


If you have the chance to work with Kerry, buy her courses, or read her book, do so. Better yet, do all three. Her work is worth it.

There is a before and after working with Kerry in my life, and the difference is confidence, courage, clarity and profitability.

I started working with Kerry in an impulse, tired of being stuck in what felt like quicksand, without knowing what I was doing wrong and why things were soooo slow moving.

It was the best business decision I’ve made. Kerry’s sessions allowed me to cut through what was not working and let go of it quickly. They helped me see where I wanted to take my business, and align to getting there.

In the process, so much was healed: old pains and past trauma, ancient fears and kilograms of guilt…all started to evaporate, and for the first time in a very, very long time, I started to feel free. Free to be joyful, free to work doing what I love, free to take control of my life and business.

If you are wondering whether online kinesiology sessions work, know this: they do.

If you’re wondering what alignment is, know this: it’s the difference between struggle and miracles.

If you’re wondering whether Kerry is the right person to work with you, know this: If you’re looking for a professional, kind, funny, generous, knowledgeable, intuitive, open-hearted person to guide you in your journey, there’s no one better.

I can’t recommend Kerry’s Kinesiology sessions enough. If you have the chance to work with her, buy her courses, or read her book, do so. Better yet, do all three. Her work is worth it.


Kerry is a leader in her field.

It’s not easy to explain exactly what kinesiology is or how it works is but every time I see Kerry, there is a shift in the way I see the world.

Kerry is insightful and intuitive and adept at getting to the real issue – often something that is outside my conscious thought.

Kerry is a leader in her field.


I liken kinesiology to turning on a light switch. I don’t know how it works, but I know it does!

I have been so very fortunate to have a number of powerful kinesiology sessions with Kerry and each one has created huge awakening, healing, up levelling and transformation in my life and business. I liken kinesiology to turning on a light switch. I don’t know how it works, but I know it does!

Kerry is a beautiful balance of kindness, vision, passion and powerfully holds space as you navigate through whatever comes up, out and through, which is often a beautiful, but perfect surprise!

Thank you Kerry for shining your light and sharing your gifts, I can’t wait for my next session with you!


After seeing Kerry twice I felt more than a significant shift in my physical and emotional wellbeing.

I saw Kerry immediately prior to delivering a very significant public presentation and after our session I felt calm, grounded and with a greater feeling of intent that I knew that things would go well.

You simply cannot buy that level of self-confidence and inner-ease – usually – but I think in committing to a session with Kerry you may just be able to!


After going through Align + Attract and through a couple of Reiki Projects with Kerry, I knew I wanted to work with her privately

Every time I had worked with Kerry through Align + Attract or through a Reiki healing, I always had big shifts and breakthroughs so I jumped at the chance when she announced she was opening up a few spots for a private session.

I was really struggling with getting some clarity in my business and being able to show up confidently. I was a little nervous about the session because I didn't know what to expect. But it honestly felt like I was hanging out with a friend - except a brilliant friend who helped me have a massive breakthrough around what was keeping me stuck. I was able to reach a new level of alignment in my business in one session and break through some blocks so quickly.

I can't wait to work with Kerry again as she is so good at what she does!"