I help high-achievers like you to release blocks and align with what you truly desire in your life and business.

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I help high-achievers like you to release blocks and align with what you truly desire in your life and business.

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Did you know your emotions have a vibration?

We are all vibrating…

I always love it when I watch or read something that gives me another way to explain why the work we do in Kinesiology sessions is so powerful. Kinesiology can seem a bit magical at times, but there are real reasons why it is so effective (it’s just that some of the reasons involve things like quantum physics, which is hard for most of us to understand and explain).

This interview Marie Forleo did with her fiance Josh Pais provides a great framework for understanding our emotions in terms of vibration. They describe a process for reducing the power of some of the more challenging emotions we might feel.

The example they used was re-framing shyness in the context of public speaking. By understanding that shyness is just a vibration and even by giving it a playful name, we reduce the perceived power of this emotion.


Feeling your emotions helps them pass more quickly.

I loved this quote:

“If you allow yourself to feel something fully, it will only last 7 – 12 seconds.”

When you put it that way, it’s not so scary, although it’s of course different if the source of stress or pain is genuinely life-threatening or very real grief.

We often try to numb to avoid difficult emotions, so it’s helpful to remember that by allowing ourselves to fully feel emotions, they will often pass quite quickly.

As Josh explains in the video, the emotions we feel are simply vibrations.

Feeling happy? That has a vibration.

Feeling sad or angry or shy? They each have different vibrations.

Which is why taking positive action when we feel unhappy such as exercising or spending time in nature (even when we don’t feel like it) can help us feel better – we’re changing our vibration.

If you want to know more about how to change your vibration, a book called Ask and it is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks gives lots of practical ways to identify your current vibration and up-level it.

How vibrations relate to Kinesiology.

Your emotions have a vibration.

Each of the tools I use has a vibration.

When I’m muscle testing you, we are actually looking for a vibration match.

When there is a vibrational match, I see a change when I’m muscle testing.

The change in your muscles tells me: this is the essence, oil, piece of information, acupressure point, tuning forks (sound), crystal, time from your past – or whatever else it might be – that is needed right now to match or change my vibration (depending on what I am asking for).

In a Kinesiology session, your body is constantly giving me messages through the muscle testing in relation to the questions I am asking.

Messages like: “this is the vibration of what I’m feeling”, “this is the vibration of what I want to feel” or “this is what I need to change my energy to a more positive vibration.”

I am just passing on the messages to you, and helping you to interpret what they mean in the context of what has happened in your past, what is going on for you now and in how how you might move forwards in your future.

Want to book in a Kinesiology session? Book online now

If you're an entrepreneur and would love to learn how to align your energy and attract more clients, check out Kerry's group program: Align + Attract