$440.00 AUD

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Release + Vision + Personalised Reiki


Personalised Reiki healing

You will receive a one hour personal distance Reiki session. You will receive the link to book this session after you have made payment and do not need to be present for it. 

Your Reiki healing is intended to provide guidance and insight for the next 12 months and you can revisit it as many times as you wish.

A distance Reiki healing is a beautiful way to get an overview of the themes you're working with now and insights into how you can best navigate. I tune into your energy using specific Reiki symbols and send you Reiki energy, whilst also writing notes about what I'm seeing, hearing and feeling.

You will receive your written report (at least 1000 words but usually longer) within 48 hours of your scheduled session - this process usually takes me 1.5 hours+. You can also choose to receive your healing in the form of a video or audio - just let me know your preference after you book. 

Release + Vision

Signing up for your personalised Reiki healing also gives you an invite to two live one hour calls as a bonus (otherwise $111):

1 - Release - Tuesday 5th December at 10am Adelaide time

2 - Vision - Tuesday 12th December at 10am Adelaide time

You receive unlimited access to the recordings.